Friday, May 7, 2010

By bus or by plane, by boat or by train, New Zealand looks gorgeous

Location: Wellington, Picton, and Christchurch, New Zealand

Today we left Wellington bright and early at 7:00 a.m. on a bus that took us to Wellington’s port. We got our tickets for the ferry ride to Picton. Now when I say ferry, you might think a quaint little dingy that jets us across the pond. No, no, no. This ferry was an Interislander ship. It truly reminded me of a cruise ship. There were restaurants, a bar, and even a movie theater in the ferry.

The cruise to Picton took about three hours and we spent most of our time on the sundeck, even though it was pretty chilly and very windy, because the views were astounding. New Zealand has every kind of landscape imaginable: ocean, desert, forest, fjords, etc. It’s truly incredible. I took a ton of pictures on the deck of all of the inlets of smooth blue water surrounded by high mountains of waving grass or rolling hills of dark trees. It sounds like it’s all the same, but everywhere is different. New Zealand is so wild looking to me; most of the south island is sparsely populated. It just smells fresh and I feel so grateful to be alive and in the country when I look around me. It reminds me of Montana a little bit, only a little because New Zealand has more water and is way better. That’s the only almost comparison I can make because there really is no equivalent and it’s hard to explain in words.

After docking in Picton, we walked to the train station where we boarded a Tranzcoastal train. The train ride took us a little over five hours, but it was never boring. Scott said that the views would be better than the ones on the ferry, and I didn’t believe him because I was so in love with what my eyes feasted on on the ferry. But, he was right. The scenic train ride was spectacular. There were several cars and one was had open windows so you could see everything even closer and feel the wind rush by your head as you snapped photos of the most beautiful scenery you’ve ever seen in your life. The train ride was like a Disney attraction ride, only it goes on and on and nothing is artificial, everything is fully real and wonderfully alive. I had two favorite things. One was seeing the surfers because I have loved surfing ever since I tried it in California my senior year of high school (2007) and they are just fun to watch. They look like they are dancing, swaying side to side, on top of the Pacific Ocean waves. My second favorite was seeing all of the seals! Hundreds of seals, including cute baby ones, rest on the rocky shores of the coast around the city of Kaikoura. I took a few pictures and they’re a little hard to distinguish since they are brown like the rocks are, but they are definitely there! I’ve never seen seals outside of Sea World, and it’s so different and so much more awesome to see them in their natural environment.

Seeing everything New Zealand has to offer on the ferry ride and the scenic train ride made me realize how much of the world I haven’t seen. I’ve been confined to North America my whole life until now, and I was completely ignorant of what else is out there. Yes, I’ve seen pictures and videos of other places on the globe and my family has even had agricultural exchange students from so many places. But it’s not the same.
Nothing can substitute for really being there, in the flesh, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting everything around you in a new place. It’s seriously exhilarating just taking New Zealand in. It’s just wonderful. I can’t describe it. You just need to go there.

I honestly would like to go there to live for a few years, or perhaps retire there. There are just miles and miles of uninhabited coast, just perfect sand beaches and an endless stretch of ocean for a view, but no one really lives there. It would be incredible to have a beach house and wake up to that every day. I change my mind from my previous entry—no hillside house in a coastal city, I want my own sanctuary, a place surrounded by so many shades of blue and green beauty.

A scene from the Tranzcostal Train.

A scene from the Interislander ferry.


Marcy Paulson said...

I've been checking your blog for updates and was so happy to find three new entries to read. I'm experiencing this trip vicariously through you and love reading about NZ! Justin Kearins was our student from New Zealand; he now works for the Australia Wheat Board and lives with his wife and infant son in Abbotsford, Victoria. I don't remember hearing about the vivid scenery of his homeland, though we probably did see pictures of his homeland years ago. We still keep in touch via email, and Brad talks to him once in a great while.
Marisa, your writing captures the essence of New Zealand, and I would love to travel there. And if I can't, your being there is the next BEST thing!!
Have fun, be aware of your surroundings, stay safe, and have the time of your life!! We're so proud of you... Love, Mom

Catherine McMullen said...

Your trip sounds wonderful. I am enjoying your excellent writing and your keen insights.
My philosophy: Don't spend your money on a house, jewelry, cars or toys. Spend it on travel...even if you have to take out a loan! It is always money well spent.
I'll keep reading so be sure to keep writing.

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