Monday, May 31, 2010


So, we made it around the world! As I type this, I am sitting in my comfy full-size bed in my own room! It's great to be back in the US of A! Even though I had an amazing time on my trip, the feeling of coming home and seeing you family and friends again is wonderful.

I apologize for the lack of updating recently. Our days in London were full of activities, so I didn't have much time to update there. Now that I am home, Memorial Day weekend is crazy for me! I just got home on Saturday morning, and my younger brother Rob's graduation open house was Saturday afternoon! The graduation ceremony was yesterday. I'm so proud of him, but it also makes me feel old! Anyway, as most of you know, graduation brings an influx of relatives and friends to your house, so I haven't had much time to finish up my trip blog at home yet, either.

However, I plan to get all of my London entries completed and posted within the next few days, so don't stop checking back! London was one of my favorite places on our world tour and I can't wait to tell you about it!

After all 25 days of my trip are posted, I'll be taking a brief hiatus from my blog. I have only five more days to relax at home with my family, unpack, do laundry, go through my immense amount of photos from the trip, and repack, before it's time to step on a plane again. I leave for Washington, D.C. bright and early on Saturday morning. After I get acquainted with D.C., I'll be posting about my summer in the nation's capital for anyone who cares to continue to read my writing. I can tell you it won't be as interesting as the trip entries and they certainly won't be every day, but I'm sure I'll have some adventures  in D.C., as well.

So check back in a few days to hear all about London. Thanks for your patience! Also, thank you for everyone who has been reading my blog. I had to journal for the class that coincides with the trip, and while everyone else just wrote with pens in bound journals, I thought "Why not share our trip with everyone back home?" To me, it has been amazing that something I only thought my closest family and friends would read has attracted so many other readers. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing for an audience instead of a reflection book for myself alone. It also made graduation weekend a little bit easier on me, since the questions like "So, how was your trip?" and "What all did you do?" were rare.:)

Stay tuned.
 ♥  Marisa


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