Saturday, August 21, 2010


Location: Alexandria, VA

Things I am excited to come back to at home and in FM:
·      My wonderful family
·      Jake
·      Aj & Ashley, two of my best friends and my roommates who I haven’t seen in over six months since they studied abroad in Australia February through June
·      All my other friends in Langdon and in FM that I haven’t seen since May!
·      My grandparents and other relatives
·      New puppy Ace
·      My bedroom at home
·      My new queen bed!
·      My new beauuutiful apartment in Moorhead
·      Hitting up the bars now that I’m 21 and making my first purchase at a liquor store
·      Talking, laughing, goofing around with my roomies
·      Normal gorgeous summer weather, free from 85% humidity and the strong North Dakota winds
·      The open spaces and smells of fresh cut grass and summer rain
·      Driving! And getting places in under an hour.
·      Concordia’s campus
·      Going back to class
·      Working on the Concordian and at the best job ever, the Office of Academic Affairs
·      Bonfires
·      Langdon and Moorhead Dairy Queen
·      Going for walks by the Red River
·      Playing football in my boyfriend’s front yard
·      Frisbee golf, golf, riding my Trek bike, 4wheeling, etc.
·      Shopping with my girls at West Acres
·      Panchero’s Mexican Grill. Sorry Chipotle…you just aren’t as good.
·      Grand Junction. Hello chicken cordon bleu sub!
·      Reasonable prices for drinks, groceries, etc.

Things I will miss about D.C. and Arlington:
·      The buzz and excitement of the Hill
·      The incredible staff at the office
·      Living with Whitney (although she’s living in the same apartment building I am at Concordia :)
·      Seeing the Capitol, Washington Monument, the Potomac, etc. from my apartment’s patio and on the way to work
·      Running into Senators in the hallway, on the Capitol subway, etc.
·      Being so close to the news and connected to politics
·      Services at the National Community Church 
·      Georgetown Cupcake (pre-TLC stardom)
·      Maryland crabcakes
·      My apartment’s pool
·      Jazz in the Garden
·      Six Flags fun
·      The Senate Cafeteria’s eats
·      Interns’ e-mails in Russian and other inside jokes
·      Getting ridiculous frozen yogurt concoctions with the other interns
·      Having people visit me and having so many fun things to do and sights to see
·      The Newseum and the Smithsonians
·      Sporting events like watching the D.C. United and the Congressional Baseball game
·      Arts events like Legally Blonde the musical and the Norman Rockwell exhibit
·      The Pentagon City Mall
·      Spike Mendohlson’s eateries Good Stuff and We the Pizza
·      People watching on the Metro


Kay Schneider said...

Best wishes for a great school year Marisa! Senior year is very exciting and I hope you continue to update your blog to keep us informed about your adventures now that you are back in MN/ND. It has been great reading about your summer adventures and I hope you have an unforgettable, wonderful, senior year! Enjoy these last few days before school starts...

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to have you back, Marisa--Laura and I were just talking about you this morning!! :) Sandi

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