Saturday, March 20, 2010


So, it's March 20 today, which means in about a month I'll be busy packing up my apartment and packing up my rolling bag of 62 linear inches for my 25 day trip to New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Egypt, and England. I've been planning this trip for months now, but it still seems surreal, like I'm not actually going to be traveling to all of these amazing places. I've never been overseas before, and it's hard to fathom all of the things I will see and do. Since my trip is a May seminar class at Concordia, I'll be posting a lot of updates on here for anyone who cares to read them. My class that coincides with the trip is called "Travel Writing," and we are required to write for an hour each day. Not a bad assignment, if you ask me. I'm sure I'll never run out of material. At the end, we're going to put all of our journal entries into a bound book, so I'll have it forever.

After I return from my trip, I'll be home briefly for my brother's graduation, then I'll be on a plane once again. I just got an internship position in Washington, DC, last week. I'll be the press intern in a senator's office. I have been to DC twice before, and I can't wait to spend June, July, and August there. Even though it means not seeing two of my closest friends for six months, who are studying abroad in Australia Feb-June, and my boyfriend, family, and other friends at all for a few months. And making no money, since my stipend will go toward housing and food and DC, both of which are so expensive. But it will open SO many more doors for me then making money at a basic summer job like lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons, and I can't wait to work on Capitol Hill--how cool is that to say?

I have a feeling it will be a summer of exploration, of other places and myself. That might sound cliche, but these experiences are so different from anything I've lived to date, and I know I will take so much away from it.